cd cover design

CD Cover Design

First Open A photoshop
Create a new document 640x480
Go to Elliptical Marquee Tool
Go to style change to Fixed size
fix width 11 cm
fix Hight  11 cm
create new layer
type layer name shape
click on Document
choose any color
Fill color select area (press Alt + Del)
take guideline middle of shapes
Go to Elliptical Marquee Tool
fix width 2 cm
fix Hight  2 cm
click on document
take a midpoint on shape
press del
now open picture on photoshop
Drag the picture in document
Press Ctrl + T for transform
fixed picture place and area
Ctrl + Click on shape Layer
press Ctrl + Shift + I
press Del
go to text tool
Write your title
Go to View menu
Click on Clear guide