Showing posts with label Facebook. Show all posts

How To Add Facebook Fan Page Box On Your Blog?


1. First of all you must have a Facebook Pan Page.
2. Goto your Facebook fan page and get Facebook Page ID from URL.
Facebook Page ID
3. After getting ID goto this page .
4. I suggest you to first disable  the news stream from the group. Do that by unchecking the box adjacent to “Show stream”.
Facebook Like Box
5. Adjust width according to your blog sidebar width, so it fits properly.
6. After that click Get Code.
Fan Box Widget Code
Simply copy and paste the code in the first box, an iframe, into the HTML source of your page or blog template, and you should be good to go!

How To Add Facebook Fan Box to Blogger/Blogspot Blog?

1. Login to your Blogger account.
2. Goto Dashboard–>Design.
3. In Page Element click Add a Gadget.
4. Select HTML/JavaScript, now paste the above copied code here.
5. Click Save.
Now any Facebook users can click on the widget and add himself as a Fan of your blog.

Do You Love Geekyard?

Facebook Fan Box Widget

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Top 10 Facebook Wallpapers For Your Desktop


Click on the image to get Full size
1. Facebook Matrix HD Wallpaper
Facebook Matrix HD Wallpaper
2. Facebook Design 3D Wallpaper
Facebook Design 3D Wallpaper
3. Facebook Abstract Wallpaper
Facebook Abstract Wallpaper.jpg
4. Facebook World Map Wallpaper
Facebook World Map Wallpaper
5. Facebook iPhone and iMac Wallpaper
Facebook iPhone and iMac Wallpaper
6. Facebook Globe Wallpaper
Facebook Globe Wallpaper
7. Facebook Show Wallpaper
Facebook Show Wallpaper
8. Facebook Designer Wallpaper
Facebook Designer Wallpaper
9. Wooden Facebook Icon Wallpaper
Wooden Facebook Icon Wallpaper
10. Mark Zuckerberg Facebook Wallpaper
Mark Zuckerberg Facebook Wallpaper
Enjoy decorating your desktop with these wallpapers ;)

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Create A Facebook Fanpage And Promote Your Blog


Facebook Fanpage

1. Log in to your facebook account and head to this page.
2. Depending upon your blog niche select a page category. Here I am creating Fanpage blog. So, I selected cause or community category.
Fanpage with different categories
3. Enter Your site name e.g Chennaifind and click I Agree to the terms to continue.
Create a Fanpage
4. The next page takes you to where you’re asked to upload the page’s profile picture. You can use yourblog’s logo.
5. Now invite your facebook friends to like your fan page or import email contacts to notify about your new fan page as show below,
Suggest Chennaifind to Friends in Facebook Fanpage
6. Enter the basic info about your blog or website on the next page.

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Block Annoying People On Facebook


1. Log In to your Facebook Account
2. Go to the person’s profile that is annoying you.
3. Find a link that says “Report/Block this person” and click it.
Report and blok a person in Facebook
4. Click on “Block this person” checkbox and submit it is done.
This will disable him to post any link on your profile or anything, in fact he won’t be able to find you as well in any case. He won’t be able to see it through his friends or from the Facebook search.
Steps to Block or Unblock People on Facebook
Their is a second method to block a person. Well by this method you can even unblock blocked persons also.
1. Open your Facebook Profile and in the upper right section click on Account –> Privacy Settings.
Facebook Privacy Settings
2. Once your privacy setting are open, click on “Blocked People and Apps”.
Facebook Blocked People and Apps
3. From the open page you can also add people to block list and remove people from list which are already been blocked.
Block or Unblock users in Facebook
Stay protected on Social networks that’s highly important :)

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बिना इन्टरनेट कम्प्युटरबाट सिधै नेपाली अक्षर


आज मैले केवल तपाइंको लागी एउटा सजिलोसंग नेपालीमा लेख्न मिल्ने  सफ्टवेर लिएर आएको छु अबश्य प्रयोग गरेर हेर्नुहोला यो सफ्टवेर प्रयोग गरिसकेपछी फेसबुक अनि याहू जस्ता हरेक साइटहरुमा सिधै च्याट गर्न सकिने अनि आफ्नो कम्प्युटरमा पनि लेख्न सकिने
अब नगरौं झन्झट unicode रोमनबाट नेपालीमा लेख्नको लागी साइटहरु खोज्न यो सफ्टवेर प्रयोग गरेर बिना internet कुनै पनि बेला लेख्न सकिने शुरु गरौँ कसरी बनाउने नेपालीमा लेख्नको लागी तल हेरौं
१. सबैभन्दा पहिला तपाइं यो लिंकमा गएर भाषा चयन गर्नुस मतलब त्यहाँ Nepali लेखेको कोठाभित्र Mark लगाउनुस र अब तल "I agree the google tearms of service and privacy policy" मा Tick लागाएर डाउनलोड गर्नुहोस

२. डाउनलोड successfull भैसकेपछी कम्प्युटरमा गएर त्यो सफ्टवेर लाई अनिबार्य scan गरौँ र त्यो सफ्टवेरलाई अब right click गरि "Run as administrator" मा क्लिक गरौँ

३. अब केहि समय पर्खिनुहोला उदाहरणको लागी तलको चित्र हेरौं

४. अब केहि समय पछी नया pop up फाइल खोलिनेछ र त्यहाँ तल हेरौं जस्तै "I accept the term of use in 'End User License Agriment' (A)" मा ठिक लगाइदिउ अनि (next) बटनमा थिच्नुहोस

५. अब केहि समय पर्खौं अनि तल (finish) बटन दबाउँ

६. तपाइंको कम्प्युटरमा  नेपाली भाषा त successful भयो तर अब लेखनलाई सजिलोको लागी "Shortcut keyboard key" बनाउन जरुरी छ त्यसैले तलको नियम पालन गर्न आग्रह गर्दछु
७. सबैभन्दा पहिला "Control Panel"हुँदै "Region and langues"  मा क्लिक गर्नुहोस र "Keyboards and languages" मा क्लिक गरी "Change keyboards..." मा (click) गर्नुहोला
८. अब "Advanced key Settings..."  मा क्लिक गर्नुहोस र तल पुछारमा हेर्नुहोस "Change key sequence..." मा क्लिक गरि नया pop up window खोल्नुहोस

९. अब त्यहाँ खुलेको window मा केहि "Shortcut key"  हरु दिएको छ तपाईं लाई सजिलोको लागी दुइ ओटा मतलब दायाँ र बायाँ shortcut key मा ठिक लगाएर तल ok बटनमा थिच्नुहोस अनि सबै windows files close  गर्नुहोस

१० अब चाही तपाइंले नेपालीमा लेख्नको लागी "Google nepali input"  तयार भयो र लेख्ने तरिका तल हेर्नुहोस

११. Now you are absolutely successfull for downloading and settings google nepali input writing language
यदी तपाईं अंग्रेजी रोमन बाट नेपाली Unicode मा अनलाइन मार्फत लेखना चाहनुहुन्छ भने यहाँThank you.

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Some Facebook Chat Image Code


[[facebook]] - facebook
[[msn]] - msn
[[yahoo]] - yahoo
[[skypee]] - skypee
[[youtube]] - youtube
[[google]] - google
[[mac]] - mac
[[329135820464185]] – angel
[[329135840464183]] – angry
[[329135853797515]] – bad
[[329135873797513]] – beer
[[329135897130844]] – bowl
[[329135923797508]] – boy
[[329135930464174]] – brb
[[329135960464171]] – cake[[329135987130835]] – camera
[[329136013797499]] – car
[[329136037130830]] – cat
[[329136063797494]] – cigarette
[[329136083797492]] – clock
[[329136127130821]] – coffee
[[329136157130818]] – coins
[[329136210464146]] – computer
[[329136230464144]] – confused
[[329136240464143]] – console
[[329136250464142]] – crying
[[329136277130806]] – devil
[[329136300464137]] – dog
[[329136323797468]] – don't know
[[329136337130800]] – drink
[[329136357130798]] – embarrassed
[[329136390464128]] – eyeroll
[[329136413797459]] – film
[[329136433797457]] – fingers crossed
[[329136443797456]] – foot in mouth
[[329136463797454]] – girl
[[329136487130785]] – glasses cool
[[329136510464116]] – glasses nerdy
[[329136533797447]] – good
[[329136563797444]] – handcuffs
[[329136593797441]] – high five
[[329136610464106]] – hug left
[[329136627130771]] – hug right
[[329136633797437]] – island
[[329136640464103]] – kiss
[[329136647130769]] – lamp
[[329136663797434]] – laugh
[[329136680464099]] – love
[[329136690464098]] - love over
[[329136700464097]] – mail
[[329136747130759]] – moon
[[329136783797422]] - musical note
[[329136790464088]] – neutral
[[329136817130752]] – party
[[329136847130749]] – phone
[[329136873797413]] – pizza
[[329136893797411]] – plate
[[329136917130742]] – present
thank u :)

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Facebook shortcut keys for Mozilla Firefox and Internet explorer

फेसबुक आजभोलि सबैको प्यारो बनेको छ । दिनमा एकपटक फेसबुक खोली status अपडेट नगरि, साथीहरुको Status नहेरी अथवा कमेन्ट नगरि त चित नबुझ्ने भईसक्यो । धेरैलाई थाहा नहुन सक्छ कि फेसबुक चलाऊदा पनि बिभिन्न shortcut key हरु प्रयोग गरेर अझ सजिलै यो चलाऊन सकिन्छ भन्ने कुरा । आज यहाँ फेसबुक चलाऊदा खेरी प्रयोग गर्न सकिने shortcut keys को बारे केही जानकारी राख्न गईरहेको छु । लौ अब तपाईंहरु पनि माउसको प्रयोग बिना नै फेसबुक चलाऊने हैन त ?

Shift+Alt+0 : facebook help center

Shift+Alt+1 : facebook homepage

Shift+Alt+2 : your facebook profile page

Shift+Alt+3 : friend request

Shift+Alt+4 : messages

Shift+Alt+5 : notification

Shift+Alt+6 : account page

Shift+Alt+7 : privacy setting

Shift+Alt+8 : facebook's page on facebook

Shift+Alt+9 : facebook terms of use

Shift+Alt+? : enable search

Shift+Alt+m : compose a new message

Enjoy Facebook !!!

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How To Delete a Facebook Account


The Case To Delete a Facebook Account

#1. Privacy – You probably know a friend of a friend who has had their personal Facebook photos cause them problems in some walks of life. I’ve had friends who’ve been fired as high school sports coaches, reprimanded by their bosses and been in hot water with their wives over some tavern pictures posted on Facebook. The person in the picture doesn’t even have to post them in their own album as all it takes is a friend to ‘tag’ them before the photos are consumed by the masses. One of the best ways to seperate your online world from your real life to protect your privacy is to delete your Facebook account…but then you’ll still have to make sure you don’t become a Background Billy while other people are posing for pictures at the tavern.
#2. Productivity – Facebook is a huge time waster and many people find it’s very addicting. If you don’t have anything to do, you might find yourself checking in on Facebook only 1 or 2 times a day but the minute you get busy, suddenly your brain finds the temptation to refresh the news feed every 10 seconds. Combine that lack of productivity multiplied with time wasting apps such as Song Pop or Words With Friends, not to mention Instant Messaging with people on your contact list and you can easily blow a couple of hours in what seemed like minutes. Just as if you don’t have a delicious chocolate cake in your refrigerator you won’t be tempted to eat it, if there’s no Facebook, you won’t be tempted to creep on an ex’s profile…for 5 straight hours.
#3. Lack Of Interest – While at first it was fun to see (stalk) what long lost classmates and lovers had been up to over the years, you’ll probably eventually find out their life has become as boring as yours. My news feed is flooded daily with virtually the same statuses…”I love my kids”…”I just went to the gym”…”I just got out of jail”…”I have to go back to jail tomorrow.” I’d be surprised if most people in the world didn’t have the same frustrations over their repetitive friends.

How To Permanently Delete Facebook

If you want to delete your Facebook Account then you must be sure that you never want to use this account again  You will need to visit this page to fill in a form and request your account to be deleted.  This is what it says on Facebook:
Permanently deleting Facebook means you will not be able to reactivate your account or retrieve any of the content or information you have added.

Download Facebook Account Before Deleting

You can download your information from your Facebook account before deleting it as the information will be gone.
  1. Click at the top right of any Facebook page and select Account Settings
  2. Click General in the left-hand column
  3. Click on “Download a copy of your Facebook data”
  4. Click Start My Archive
Because this download contains your timeline information, you should keep it secure and be careful when storing, sending or uploading it to any other services.
download facebook account

Deactivating Facebook vs Deleting Facebook

You can deactivate your Facebook account instead of deleting it permanently.  The difference is that with deleting it is permanent and deactivating means you can reactivate your account at a later time.

How to Deactivate a Facebook Account?

To deactivate your account:
  1. Click the account menu at the top right of any Facebook page
  2. Select Account Settings
  3. Click Security in the left-hand column
  4. Click Deactivate your account
Just remember to keep your Facebook sign in details just in case you do want to reactivate.
Delete a Facebook Account

Why You Should Keep Facebook

Keep In Touch With Family – You can choose your friends but you can’t choose your family and even though they might post the same dumb stuff every day or blackmail you into joining Zynga Bingo, it’s nice to know what relatives all over the globe are up to. It also makes it a little less awkward at family reunions because Facebook gives you the feeling that you’re connected, even though you may be miles apart.
For An Extra Contact Port – Not everybody has your cell phone number but most people can easily find you and get in contact on Facebook. If there’s a big reunion, party, or newly single foreign exchange student that became a model after high school but truly never got over that one night you spent in the park…or if your friend needs a ride, they can contact you on Facebook. This can be good and bad but it is also essential in the case of an emergency.
To Look Technologically Savvy – Can you imagine a business in this day and age not having a website or any person under 60 not having an email address? Facebook could soon be the main contact point between people…whether a potential employer wants a second interview, buyers want to purchase your goods, or companies want to contact you because you won that all-inclusive trip to the Bahamas. Telling somebody you don’t have a Facebook account – while now not so bad – could raise red flags in the future.
To Look Back And Reminisce – Facebook’s Timeline feature offers a nice way to look back over the years and reminisce about your life. While the every day antics of Facebook might drive you crazy, it’s nice to ponder over the years as a whole and remember the people that influenced your life. It’s also motivating to look to the time you could wear a two piece bikini or alternatively you canlook back and promise never to wear those skinny jeans ever again.
Whether you decide to delete your Facebook Account or not is totally your decision. As the last tip, if you are thinking about deleting your Facebook, don’t be one of those people that ‘threatens’ to delete it every status update.
“So long Facebook Friends I need to take a break for awhile” Posted on Tuesday at 1:34
“ Just got back from the gym” Posted on Tuesday at 1:38

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Top 10 Facebook tips

Below is a listing of our top 10 tips for the popular social networking website Facebook.
Hide users, games, polls, etc.
It quickly gets annoying seeing some users posts, game invites, polls, etc. Hovering your mouse to the right of the post and clicking the Hide button as shown below can hide any post. Once this button is pressed you'll be prompted with the option to hide that user or in the case of a Facebook application the option to hide that application from ever showing up on your profile.
Hide Facebook users, games, polls, etc.
To unhide someone or unblock an application click the Edit Options link in the bottom right corner of the news feed as shown below.
Facebook unhide friends
Greasemonkey and FB Purity
Although Facebook does not allow the ability to hide friends getting new friends messages, friends becoming fans of something, and some application messages they can still be hidden with browser add-ons. If you're running Mozilla Firefox, Chrome, Opera, or Safari we suggest installing the Facebook Purity add-on.
Update your privacy settings
Click Account in the top right corner of the Facebook window and then click Privacy settings to adjust who is capable of seeing what on your Facebook profile. We highly recommend going through all the privacy settings to verify your privacy is properly protected.
Anything that is not set to friends only or friends of friends can be seen by anyone searching on the Internet. Below is a few things we recommend for most users.
  1. Under Search in Privacy settings uncheck Public Search Results. This will prevent users from finding your account and profile picture in search results such as Google
  2. Under Application settings, make sure you're only allowing applications you want to have access to your information. Applications that you grant rights to can have access to your Facebook profile information.
  • If you're curious to see how a program or web page connect to the Facebook API can see your profile see Tip135.
Use the Facebook top bar for navigation
Facebook navigation
Knowing how to properly navigate is vital if you want to get the most out of Facebook. Below is a brief description of each of the available options in the top bar as shown above.
Home (facebook logo) - Clicking this logo will take you to your wall (News Feed) that shows all friends recent posts.
Friend requests - If any friend requests are waiting to be approved this icon will show a notification of how many friends are waiting for approval. This icon can also be clicked when you want to view any friend recommendations or search for friends on Facebook.
Messages - This section allows you to send and receive private messages between one or more people you're friends with.
Notifications - Any time a friend or Facebook application creates a new post you'll be notified in this section. Clicking this icon will show all recent notifications. If you wish to change what is capable of sending you notifications including any Facebook applications or games click the See All Notifications link at the bottom and check or uncheck what you want to be notified on.
Search - Finally, the search box in Facebook can be a powerful tool that can be used to quickly find any current friends or people on Facebook. In addition searching for terms such as a company name, product, sports team, music band, etc. will find fan pages and groups that can be joined.
Modify your account notifications
Keep your e-mail and your cell phone clean by updating or eliminate Facebook notifications or keep more up-to-date by adding new notifications. Facebook notifications can be added and removed by clicking Account link in the top right corner, then Account Settings, and then clicking the Notifications tab.
Top News and Most Recent
Facebook News and most Recent
By default Facebook will display your wall postings in the News format, which means it only displays posts it believes are most relevant to you. These results are based on your past interaction with your friends. If you want to see every post made by all your friends that are not hidden click the Most recent link in the upper right section of your news feed as shown in the above picture example.
If you want to adjust who shows up manually click the Edit Options in the bottom right corner of your news feed.
Facebook unhide friends
View High School work friends
If you've added your High School or previous Work locations to your profile, quickly see all classmates and co-workers on Facebook by clicking the link in your Info tab under your profile.
Quickly change profile picture
Your profile picture can be quickly changed to any other picture by visiting your profile, hovering the mouse over your current profile picture, and clicking the Change Picture link that appears in the top right corner of the picture.
Don't post private information on friend's walls on in comments
When you make a post on a friend's wall or in any of their comments realize that any of their friends are going to be able to see that post. If you wish for something to remain only between you and a friend send them a Facebook message instead.
Suggestions and random friend invites
As you get more friends on Facebook it will begin making friend, groups, and fan suggestions. These are suggestions made by Facebook and not your friends. Unless these are something you're interested in they can be ignored.
This same rule can be applied to people who may want to be your friend that you don't know. If you don't know someone don't accept his or her friend invite. Once someone becomes your friend they'll have access to any information your friends are capable of seeing.
Tag your Facebook friends in your photos
Always make sure to tag any of your Facebook friends that are in pictures you upload. However, never tag someone who is not in the picture. When someone is tagged in a photo that picture is automatically added to that persons profile and is a great way to share pictures with all friends.

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How to add your blog to your facebook page


This post is about how you can add your blog to your facebook page using a facebook app called " networked blogs ". Networked blog is a facebook app which is used by many blogger's to permote there blog at facebook. When you will add your blog to your fan page using networked blog it will automatically shared in you page under your Blog tab.
Now how you can add your blog to your facebook page:-
  • After clicking on " Register a Blog " This window will open now copy your blog link and paste it in the box .
  • Now fill all the required information

    After filling all the required info click on:- Next
  • After clicking next you will be asked whether you author of the blog or not? click on YES
  • Then you will be asked for confirmation (confirmation for that you are the owner of blog or website)for confirmation you have two options click on 2nd option . 
    • Ask friends to confirm you( instruction about 1st option mentioned in video at bottom of this post)
Click on:- Or, install the widget
  • Copy the Option 1 code then login to you blog if not already->goto layout->add a gadget->html. and paste code->save arragements   

  • Now come back to Networked blog window and click on Verify Now

  • Now goto your FACEBOOK FAN PAGE where you added the BLOG and click on Blog->Edit tab->and tick your blog->click on save changes
How to add you blog to facebook page:-

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