Realistic Rainy Window Effect in Photoshop

Step 1
Open your model picture. You can use your own image if you can’t download this image from Photoxpress. I crop this picture to make a better effect (for this tutorial purpose). Hit C to active this tool and grab a square around the part you want to take then hit one button to complete this action.

Step 2
Press W to active Magic Wand Tool with settings below. Use Magic Wand Tool to click inside white background of this picture :

Hit Cmd/Ctrl+Shift+I to inverse this selection and we have selection for model:

Right click this selection, choose Layer via Copy and we have a new layer with extracted model. Name this layer as “model”:

Step 3
Duplicate model layer we have “model copy”. Go to Filter-Blur-Gassian Blur and set radius as 1,5 px (it depends on the sharpness of your photo):

Add layer mask and use soft black brush with opacity and flow about 50% to make some parts of model more visible:

Step 4
I want to change color of model so I use a Curves layer. Choose Layer-New adjustment layer-Curves:

Step 5
I use a Hue/Saturation layer to reduce red and magenta tone of model:

Step 6
Hit Cmd/Ctr/Shift+N to make a new layer. Choose Edit-Fill with color #605a4b:

Lower opacity of this layer to 30%:

Make a new layer fill again but with color #043157 and opacity 40%:

It’s only my favorite color choice and you’re free to make color you like.
Step 7
In this step we will make a glass window effect. Create a new layer with method used above. Set foreground and background color to white ( #ffffff) and #3a4755.

Go to Filter-Render-Clouds:

We have :

Choose Filter-Distort-Glass:

Change the mode to Soft light 80%:

Add layer mask and use soft black brush with opacity and flow 40% to blur glass effect on model face, hands:

Step 8
In some next steps I’ll show you how to make realistic rain drops. Make a new layer on the top and set foreground color to white. Hit B to active Brush tool, choose size with 3 px then press F5 to make settings of this brush as shown below:

Use brush to paint over the picture:

Name it “small drops”. Right click this layer, choose Blending Options:

Lower opacity of this layer to 50%:

Step 9
Create a new layer and use white brush with same settings but increase brush size to 9px. Paint on the pic as shown below:

Apply layer style like in step 8 but add more Drop Shadow effect:

Change opacity to 30%:

Step 10
To make rain traces on window, I use white brush with changed settings:

Make some random traces on window:

Apply same layer style done in previous step ( Drop Shadow, Inner Shadow, Bevel and Emboss) but set opacity to 20%:

Step 11
The model hands pulsing the window so them need to be clearer, darker, more visible. Come back to model layer, make selection for model hands as shown below ( don’t need to be so precise with these selections):

Copy them into a new layer ( right click, choose Layer via Copy like we did in step 2) and place this layer on the top. Call it “hands”:

Lower opacity to 10% and use layer mask to hide the edges of them:

Step 12
Click Filter-Distort-Ripple:

Then Filter-Stylize-Diffuse:

Step 13
Choose a Hue/Saturation layer above hands layer with Clipping Mask options:

Down the lightness to -100:

Step 14
To darken the hands more, I use a new layer (non-Clipping Mask) and brush with color #3a4755. Paint on right hand with brush 100% opacity and 30% for the left (as it’s darker than the right already). Put the mode as Soft light 50%:

Step 15
To change the light of picture, I use Gradient layer. Make a layer and hit G to choose Gradient Tool (with default color : black and white) with settings below:

Drag a line from bottom right to top left:

Change the mode to Soft light 100%:

Step 16
To change color and contrast of picture, I add a Curves layer:

Step 17
I use a Gradient Map layer:

Set the mode of this Gradient Map layer to Soft light 100%:

Step 18
To increase a bit contrast, I use Brightness/Contrast:

This step is optional.
Final Result

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Protect several computers with a single flash drive

Locks your PC when you are away, Even if your Windows session is still opened.
It uses a regular USB flash drive as an access control device, and works as follows:

protect your computer with a flash drive

 You insert the USB drive.

 You run PREDATOR (auto start with Windows is possible).

 You do your work.

 When you're away from your PC, you simply remove the USB drive.

 Once it is removed, the keyboard and mouse are disabled and the screen darkens.

 When you return back to your PC, you put the USB flash drive in place.

 Keyboard and mouse are immediately released, and the display is restored.

 It's easier and faster than closing your Windows session, since you do not have to retype your password when you return.

protect several computers with a single flash drive
Protect several computers with a single flash drive

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Close Not Responding File

आउनुहोस आज म तपाइंलाई सजिलो एउटा तरीका सिकाउंदै मतलब जब तपाईं कम्प्युटर चलाई राख्नुहुन्छ र त्यसलाई बन्द गर्नुपर्यो भने  कुनै बेला कम्प्युटर ह्यांग भइदिने र आफुले खोलेको फाइलहरु पनि बन्द नहुने एकदमै अप्ठेरो हुने र जता क्लिक गर्दा पनि क्लिक नै नहुने त्यती बेला तपाईं के गर्नु हुन्छ अन्तिम उपाए तपाईं सिधै कम्प्युटर shut down गर्नुहुन्छ हैन त तर त्यसो गर्नु गरुरी छैन तपाइंलाई उसोभए कसरी बन्द गर्ने त त्यसा (not responding) भनिएका फाइलहरु आउनुस तलको नियम पालन गर्नुहोस
१. सबैभन्दा पहिला आफ्नो किबोर्डमा (CTRL+SHIFT+ESC) key थिचेर (windows task manager) खोल्नुहोला
२. अब त्यहाँ खोलिएको windows task manager मा (applications) मा क्लिक गर्नुहोला अब applications मा क्लिक गरिसकेपछी तल हेर्नुहोस तपाइले जती पनि खोलेका फाइलहरु highlight मा देखीनेछ्न
३. अब तपाइंको कुनचाहि फाइल (not responding) बन्द नभएको हो त्यो फाइलमा एकचोटी क्लिक गर्नुहोला
४. अब highlight फाइलमा क्लिक गरिसकेपछी तल हेर्नुहोला (END TAST) भनिएको छ त्यहाँ क्लिक गरिदिनुस तपाइंको फाइल सजिलैसंग बन्द हुनेछ र अन्य फाइलहरु पनि बन्द गर्नुपर्यो भने यसैगरी बन्द गर्न सकिन्छ तपाइंलाई कम्प्युटर shut down गर्ने कुनै जरुरी छैन

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Download Youtube Videos Without Software

open youtube
play video who want to download
now go to address bar and remove www. and write ss and press enter(like this)

 Now Choose your file type for download
Now Click on Save File
Click on ok

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